Meet the Army
Rick Rudie: 1958-2020
Co-founder of HellsGate Haunted House
Rick Rudie was our friend and mentor for the six short years we worked together. As a partner, Rick pushed us to reach for more, supported our artistic goals, and kept our eyes on the horizon. He was generous, tough as hell, wicked smart, bold, adventurous, and humble.
It didn’t matter if you were 15 years old and only worked one night, Rick believed you were important and you deserved to be told that. He truly cared about every one of us, from the producer to the intern, he made it a point to share his gratitude and support. Rick helped us achieve our dreams while reminding us to be grateful along the way. We will never forget.
We will do our best to keep his spirit alive in our hearts and in our company of very grateful weirdos.
Thank you for believing in us Rick.